What is Hungrimind?

Hungrimind Flutter Section

The goal is for this site to be the best place to learn online. This will be done through a collection of free tutorials and videos, but also through what is called The Hungrimind Experience. This is a new and more fun way to learn that updates while you scroll, and shows you exactly how your UI should look at any point in the process. Another key feature, is that this will be an ever evolving experience. That means that it will never be outdated, and new content will be added regularly.

Why I Built Hungrimind?

My name is Tadas, in 2020 I started teaching on Youtube. While I love creating educational videos, I felt like I could offer even more, by having my own part of the internet. Now there are no limitations to what can be done, and thus The Hungrimind Experience is possible. The tutorials are all in the same place with both written and video content aligned, that are also editable and easier to update.

This is going to be a long and big project, but I hope and believe that it will become the best resource for learning online.

Tadas 💜