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Astro Fundamentals

Learn the fundamentals to start building your own websites and gain a deep understanding of Astro.

Home screen and article from personal blog

Go from zero to building real websites with Astro.

Naturally, as a developer, I want to rebuild my personal site every two weeks. But I don’t let myself because I know there are better things I could be doing than rebuilding my site for the 8th time.

When thinking about what kind of project to build for this course, I decided that a blog would make the most sense for teaching Astro. Then I had one of my best ideas: why don’t I rebuild my personal blog site and use it as the material for this course?

  1. Astro is built for content-heavy sites, so a blog is the best way to teach.
  2. We will build a real-life production blog site that is actually being used.
  3. I get a 2 for 1 :)

We will also build it as a template so you can take the code, update the config.ts file with your own information, add your own markdown files, and have your own blog.

Once you finish the course, you are encouraged to take the code and build on it. You can take this blog, and turn into your own masterpiece or you can take all the learnings and build your next big project with Astro.

If you are a member, you can work with us to guide you through the process of building your next project. You may even find some friends through this community. We’re here to help you in any (sustainable) way we can.

Currently there are three sections of the Astro course completed. Because of this, we offer you the course at a discount. There are at least two more sections planned to be released.

We built this for you

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HTML, CSS, JavaScript

The basics of web development.


Typescript is JavaScript with types. This is what we use throughout the course. We cover every function in detail, but not the syntax of Typescript.

Tailwind CSS

A CSS libary used for styling the application. We cover how it works, but not every class is covered.

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The Curriculum


Chapter One: Concepts

This section introduces the concepts of Astro, and how it is different from other frameworks. By the end of this section you will have run your very first Astro website.


Chapter Two: Core Functionaility

This section introduces the core functionality of Astro. We build out the base of our site, including the landing page, and the page where our articles will go.


Chapter Three: Content Collections

This section introduces the content collections, and how to use them to create dynamic article pages.


Chapter Four: Astro Islands

Coming Soon


Chapter Five: Server Side Rendering

Coming Soon

Is this really for me?

You can buy individual courses or become a member. As a member you get all courses and a private community discord role.

We're Robert and Tadas . With a combined audience of over 100,000 people, we've made some internet money. We've also guided others from idea to earning a living from their creations.

If we would teach each course in a one-to-one meeting that would be up in the price range of $2500 or more per course.

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Here is what people are saying about us and the hungrimind experience

Straight-to-the-point information holds immense value in today's world. Hungrimind's interactive course offers value at supersonic speed.

Einstein's philosophy resonates here: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

This course embodies three words: Creative, Fast, and Valuable.

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Flutter Educator on Youtube (190k Subscribers)

I can confidently say that Robert has been instrumental in shaping my journey as a developer. Robert's tutorials not only proved to be informative but also remarkably engaging, making complex concepts digestible and approachable. Through our 1 on 1 sessions, Robert's mentorship accelerated my growth in ways I couldn't have imagined. Prior to our sessions, certain topics like state management, callbacks, in-app purchases, and push notifications seemed daunting to me. However, Robert's patient guidance and structured approach helped break down these topics into manageable challenges.

Robert's mentorship has been invaluable to my growth as a developer. His expertise, dedication, and unwavering support have not only helped me overcome my fears but have also equipped me with the skills and confidence to tackle real-world projects with ease. I wholeheartedly recommend Robert to anyone seeking to elevate their skills and embark on a fulfilling developer journey.

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David Taylor

Software Engineer

You're one of the best teachers on YouTube, I just watched all 4 videos on Bloc and finally I understand it , I read many articles on Bloc but your explanation is better and I expect you'll go ahead and make some more videos on architecture, thanks for being here for us.

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YouTube Subscriber

Wow thank you for this video, Tadas! I don't know Flutter at all, but I was still able to follow through the main debugging concepts of breakpoints and stack trace. Explained in a very easy-to-understand way, cheers!!! 🙏

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YouTube Subscriber

I really enjoyed having the bite-sized material in Hungrimind with very concise usage examples to help deliver each concept.

It is pretty seamless to follow the material, and having the source code available to look at in later points for inspiration or as a reminder is great resource to have access to. This is especially valuable since Tadas is keeping that content refreshed and updated.

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Abdallah Shaban

Founder of Celest (YC W24)

Fireship and you seem to be similar type of guys - with a gift for explaining complex things in simple words. Looking forward for new brain food from you.
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YouTube Subscriber

This was soooooooooooo easy to understand. I'm a developer, more on the game dev side, and I understood everything.
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Rehtse Studio

YouTube Subscriber

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