
No experience with a specific topic and want to dive head first? Try one of our fundamental courses!

Flutter Fundamentals

Flutter Fundamentals

Learn the fundamentals to start building your own apps and gain a deep understanding of Flutter.

Astro Fundamentals

Astro Fundamentals

Learn the fundamentals to start building your own websites and gain a deep understanding of Astro.


Projects are the jelly to the peanut butter sandwich, learn and leave with a fun end result with you.

Ultimate Login System

Ultimate Login System

Build a robust login system using best practices with Riverpod and Firebase.

Video Call with Tokens

Video Call with Tokens

Sponsored by agora

Learn to build a fully featured video call app using Agora and Flutter.

Video Call with Tokens

Video Call with Tokens

Sponsored by agora

Learn to build a fully featured video call app using Agora and Next.js.